The AH of SC Offers Parasite Prevention for the Warmer Weather
When the weather starts to get warmer, bugs come out looking to set up a new home on any furry creature that passes by. It’s time to think about effective flea and tick prevention to keep your pet healthy and pest-free during the summer months. At the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County in Ferndale, NY, we offer a range of flea and tick prevention options for our patients, as well as preventative methods for other parasite concerns.
Flea & Tick Prevention
Fleas are tiny insects that latch onto the fur of any passing animal and begin a life cycle that can make your pet miserable with itching and scratching. In addition, fleas can get into your home’s carpeting, bedding, and furniture. Fleas cause flea allergy dermatitis and can cause blood borne diseases. Ticks attach themselves to pets and can carry diseases such as Lyme disease, babesiosis, and various other diseases. Our vets can advise on the best type of flea & tick prevention methods for your cat or dog.
Internal Parasites
In warm weather, pets often spend more time outdoors, meaning greater exposure to parasites lingering in the soil or on objects. Internal parasites can cause diarrhea and poor health in pets. Our veterinarians can test to detect internal parasites and offer effective medications to eliminate intestinal worms that lead to poor health.
Heartworm Prevention
Heartworms are tiny, microscopic worms transmitted by the bite of a mosquito that can make your pet very sick or even cause death. Once inside the animal’s body, the tiny worms migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs and heart, where they grow and reproduce. Symptoms of heartworm disease include coughing, fatigue, and a gradual decline in health. These symptoms do not show up until late in the disease and at that point the disease can be challenging to treat. Treatment of heartworm disease can be costly, so prevention is the best way to protect both you and your pet. Heartworm prevention medication can be administered every month.
Make the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County Your Veterinarian for Parasite Prevention
Our veterinarians and staff at the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County are here to provide quality pet care to patients in Ferndale, Liberty, Monticello, and other communities in Sullivan County. We offer a broad range of veterinary services, including vaccinations, wellness visits, dental care, emergency care, surgery, microchipping, boarding, and more. Contact the Animal Hospital of Sullivan County today at 845-292-6711 for an appointment to learn about our options for flea, tick, and parasite prevention.